Welcome to my Blog!!

Hello all!!! My name is Nisi Williams, thanks for taking a peak into my world! This blog will mainly be about my witty, outspoken extremely animated and talented eight year old daughter named Sinae’. She is definitely a “Mommy’s girl” as she enjoys our “mommy and daughter” times the most. Sinae’ also enjoys anything that has to do with art. At the age of three she started take art lessons at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and continues to paint today. Her busy Saturday includes Ballet, Jazz/Tap, and Ballroom (that alternate Salsa, The Waltz and Traditional Ballroom) classes. During the summer when she doesn’t have modeling classes, she enjoys spending her time with her cousin Jasmine. As you can see she is a pretty well rounded young lady. She has a friendly personality and never has a problem “fitting in” with any group of children.

Totally Twisted!

Totally Twisted!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hello Everyone!!

It has been a long time since my last blog post and trust me a lot has changed! I believe that I created this blog around this time last year when I was struggling with the issue of my child embracing her natural hair. Last year this time I myself was fried, dyed and laid to the side! And I knew that no matter how many natural hair blog post I created, I still looked like a hypocrite telling my baby girl to love what God had given her while I stood there with my hair from India. In December, I decided that I would step up to the plate and SHOW my daughter that she could learn to love her hair. We took those steps together and I am very grateful for that. It took me a few months to get used to my hair in its natural state. I’ve learned a lot while enduring this bumpy hair ride with my daughter. It took me about two months to figure out what products worked for my hair! At first I thought I was going to be saving money on hair products since I was no longer using products for relaxed hair. Boy was I wrong! Although, my daughter and I are both natural, we have different hair textures. My hair needs more moisture than hers and certain gels that will hold a style for me will have my daughter’s hair hard as a rock! Now, almost a year later, my daughter doesn’t feel awkward when surrounded by a lot of children who are relaxed. After watching Chris Rock’s “Good Hair” I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about her wanting a relaxer! Thank you Chris!! She’s learning about what works for her hair and how to use it. I guess this is the age where children want to start styling their own hair huh? Well either way I’m happy to know that she’s willing to learn how to take care of her natural hair! She’ll never be lost like I was last year! Ever since I could remember all of the females around me were pressed, relaxed or weaved! So, NO, I did not know how to take care of my hair! Thank God for my natural hair supporters Ms. Jae, Ms. Keeta, #NaturalHair topics on Twitter and YouTube! Without you guys, Lord knows where I would be today! Well, this is it for now…don’t worry I won’t gone for long! Video posting and Children’s styles pics/videos to come!! J

“I’m BAAACCCKKKK Ms. Belton!”

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