Welcome to my Blog!!

Hello all!!! My name is Nisi Williams, thanks for taking a peak into my world! This blog will mainly be about my witty, outspoken extremely animated and talented eight year old daughter named Sinae’. She is definitely a “Mommy’s girl” as she enjoys our “mommy and daughter” times the most. Sinae’ also enjoys anything that has to do with art. At the age of three she started take art lessons at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and continues to paint today. Her busy Saturday includes Ballet, Jazz/Tap, and Ballroom (that alternate Salsa, The Waltz and Traditional Ballroom) classes. During the summer when she doesn’t have modeling classes, she enjoys spending her time with her cousin Jasmine. As you can see she is a pretty well rounded young lady. She has a friendly personality and never has a problem “fitting in” with any group of children.

Totally Twisted!

Totally Twisted!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

DANGER!!! Natural Hair Girl gets "Bored"

I’m sure that every woman has been in the position I was in about three months ago. After your hair finally gets some length, all of a sudden you’re “bored” and want to try something different! If my friends EVER hear me say that I’m “bored” with my hair, I wish that they would just slap me! No seriously! Since I was sooooo “bored” with my hair I decided to get it pressed. It was really cute and I was surprised how much my hair had grown in and it hadn’t even been a full year since my big chop! I received a few side-eyes from my friends and a curse out from my grandmother who thought that I had gone back to the white creamy crack lol. Of course there were a few people in my cooperate office who “LOOOVVEEDDD IT” and one person was even bold enough to say that he really like my new look better than my old look. Too bad for him this “new look” was only temporary! Well at least I thought it was! I wore the style for about two weeks and was surprised that it was still pretty straight. After washing my hair I was faced with the reality that my hair had been forever changed! Certain sections of my hair were STILL straight! I cried, put in a deep conditioner, cried again, washed it out, still straight! So I tried washing it with a neutralizing shampoo, cried again, googled some remidies, washed it with funky beer, and deep conditioned with honey, boo-hooed some more, washed it out, still straight! Needless to say, a hot iron will NOT be anywhere near my tresses EVER AGAIN! I now know that “natural hair” is not something you can be on the fence about! Either you’re going to be curly or straight! There is no alternating between the two. Lesson learned here!
                So what’s next? Welp, now I just trim my hair every month or so. My entire curl pattern was changed. There are spots that are still straight but overall my new growth is thicker than the hair that was pressed L Perhaps by next year I’ll be able to be “Afrolicious” again just like my daughter.
My hair pressed

What WILL happen as a result of heat damage!