Welcome to my Blog!!

Hello all!!! My name is Nisi Williams, thanks for taking a peak into my world! This blog will mainly be about my witty, outspoken extremely animated and talented eight year old daughter named Sinae’. She is definitely a “Mommy’s girl” as she enjoys our “mommy and daughter” times the most. Sinae’ also enjoys anything that has to do with art. At the age of three she started take art lessons at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and continues to paint today. Her busy Saturday includes Ballet, Jazz/Tap, and Ballroom (that alternate Salsa, The Waltz and Traditional Ballroom) classes. During the summer when she doesn’t have modeling classes, she enjoys spending her time with her cousin Jasmine. As you can see she is a pretty well rounded young lady. She has a friendly personality and never has a problem “fitting in” with any group of children.

Totally Twisted!

Totally Twisted!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Love Affair with Natural Hair

Last weekend I noticed that my daughter and I have developed a love affair with our natural hair on the weekend. On Friday evening we are both anxious to drop our book bags and pocketbooks, kick off our heels and sneakers and just be au natural! As soon as my foot touches the living room floor I’m ready to shed the “outside world” layers I’ve become accustomed to putting on each morning. No heels, no makeup and of course no wig!  My TWA (Teenie Weenie Afro) gets to have its two days of fame and for once I feel like I’m totally “myself”. My daughter who would naturally follow in my foot steps likes to wear her hair “crinkly” (Twist outs) on the weekends. After her first incident at school (see blog titled “Second Graders: Fried dyed and laid to the side), I decided to try to “wean” her into her natural diva stardom and comfort zone. I thought I was doing this by letting her be natural on the weekend. Instead I think I’ve made matters worst for us both! We have come to enjoy our love affair with our natural hair and we acknowledge it on weekends only. We meet Friday evening and embrace it until Sunday afternoon. By then, we’re braided up and ready to put back on the layers for the outside world on Monday morning. I can only hope that one day our love affair will not only last during the weekend but grow into an unconditional love that we can feel comfortable embracing every day. When did you finally feel comfortable in your hair? How was your first day for you?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, you have to ease yourself into being natural. We've been programmed for so long to not like our natural hair or to think it's unacceptable in the workplace, etc., that it can be hard for some to get used to. Personally, my transition from relaxed to natural was my easing-in period. I didn't plan to BC until I was sure I was comfortable enough to wear my natural hair 24/7 after that point. It took about a day to get used to the "new me" but after that I was just fine. Others had no choice but to accept it because I was 100% comfortable with my decision. Wearing my hair natural from Day 1 also allowed me to learn more about my hair & what works for me/my texture because it allowed me to experiment more.
    However, there is nothing wrong with what you and your daughter are doing. You will know when the time is right to "just do it" and not worry about the outside world. I haven't seen your natural hair yet but your daughter's is gorgeous, and I am quite sure yours is, too.
